

So needless to say, I am the most negligent blogger ever. My social life has (thankfully) picked up, as has my work load. So between school, work, and my very wonderful boyfriend, my blog has suffered from a lack of attention. However, that doesn’t mean I haven’t been reading just as much as usual. In the past few months I have ventured outside my comfort zone of YA science fiction and paranormal romance and into the genres unknown. There are usually 3 main reasons I decide to pass on reading a book.

1. I know it doesn’t have a happy ending or the book as a whole is wildly depressing

2. The descriptiveness overpowers the content of the story.

3. I’ve heard it’s an excruciatingly long read (which could possibly relate back to my previous point)

However, after doing some research and taking suggestions for friends and family, I decided it  was time to broaden my literary horizons.

And so, I took on The Book Thief, by Marckus Zusak a few months ago. This novel hit all 3 of the items on my “no fly list”, and yet, I was pleasantly surprised. It took me some time to get into it, however, I actually found myself enjoying the descriptiveness of the narrator’s soliloquy-esque point of view. At times I was bored while waiting for him to get to the point, but the simple fact that it was incredibly different from my usual reads, kept me intrigued. I will admit that this book did not leave me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. It’s excruciatingly morbid. Even so, I would give this 2.5/4 Korners. It really wasn’t the type of book I tend to enjoy, hence the low rating. But it was a well written, and captivating story.  

Moving on, since I’m so behind on this blog I’m not doing a thorough review of any of the books I read in the past few months but there are some things I’d like to say about a few of them. 

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green: An amazingly perfect cry fest. Young love at it’s most tragic. It’s a quick read and a real page turner. 4/4 Korners (I’d give it 10 korners if I could!) there is also a movie coming out soon. 

The Good Nurse: A true story of Medicine, Madness, and Murder by Charles Graeber: GAHH, that’s how I felt while reading this. This shocking true story is a must read for nurses or anyone in healthcare. So much has changed in hospitals since Cullen was arrested, but it is still disturbing how long he got away with it.  Not to mention it’s particularly heinous since this man was a nurse, someone patients are supposed to trust to SAVE their lives. Nonetheless, it’s well written and surprisingly unbiased. 3/4 Korners. 

Inferno by Dan Brown: Once again, Dan Brown came through with another great story. Unbeknownst  to me, the fourth story of the famous Robert Langdon is set in Florence, Italy. I happened to be in Florence at the time I decided to start this book. Per usual of a Dan Brown novel, It’s full of fun facts about the city, history, and it’s one heck of a mystery. 4/4 Korners 

and finally, 

My Story by Elizabeth Smart: This is not an easy read. Although the writing style seems very juvenile, it’s more about the story. It’s very difficult to hear what she went through. The torture and suffering Elizabeth had to endure for 9 months is horrid. The fact that she has grown into such as strong women is incredible and I don’t know how she can move on from something so horrible. Her discussion of faith and family show how mature she became at such a young age. It feels wrong to rate this, so I won’t. 

I suppose that’s all for now. With the start of second semester of graduate school, I’m not reading anything right now. But I’ll be sure to update when I do. As always, thanks for reading! 

Until Next Time (which will not be 3 months from now!)


Europe Loves Books Too!


Hello Bloggers! I’m finally back from Europe! My adventures brought me to Dublin, London, Nice, Paris, Florence, Rome and Madrid. Here are some pictures that reminded me of Katie’s Korner! I also finished my book, The Good Nurse, while I was there so a review is soon to come! Hope all is well in the Blog world!

ShakeSpeare and Company Bookstore in Paris


Image     Image

Libreria in Madrid, Spain


Bookstore in Dublin, Ireland


Library in Versailles


Reading now


Hello again blog world!!

So after a stress filled last month of school I am a officially a college of nursing graduate!!! YAY me! In a few short months I will be taking my boards and will then be an RN! So although I should be obsessively studying for my boards for the next few months, I have decided to start my summer with a new book.

After watching a 20/20 special on Charles Cullen, I was motivated to read the novel written about him called, The Good Nurse: A True Story of Medicine, Madness, and Murder. For those who don’t know, Cullen is a former nurse who is the most prolific serial killer in New Jersey history and suspected to be the most prolific serial killer in American history. This book was written by Charles Graeber, who presents the whole story for the first time. Based on hundreds of pages of previously unseen police records, interviews, wire-tap recordings and videotapes, as well as exclusive jailhouse conversations with Cullen himself and the confidential informant who helped bring him down. As a new nurse I have such a passion for caring for my patients, and It’s hard for me to fathom how another nurse could do something so horrible. Nurses carry a high level of power and responsibility in direct patient care, and this book explores how Cullen was able to abuse this power for over 16 years.

I’ve already started this book and I’m impressed by how Graeber is able present Cullen’s story in an unbiased and factual manner. I’m already shocked by the series of events that have occurred and I’m only about an eighth of the way through. I’ll be going to Europe next week and won’t be back until the middle of June, but If I am able to finish this book before I leave I’ll write a review. If not, I’ll write it after I get back. As always thanks for reading!

Until Next Time, Kate



Hello bloggers!

So someone should probably call DBPS (Department of Blog Protective Services) on me since I’ve completely neglected Katie’s Korner for the last month! My last semester of nursing school has caused my brain to temporarily leave my body and I’ve come down with a bad case of senioritis. Unlike other serious diseases that end in the suffix -itis, this condition is actually quite enjoyable.

That being said, I have in fact, been reading a significant amount. After finishing The Sky is Everywhere, I re-read Obsidian, it’s sequel, Onyx, and Monique and the Mango Rains. I suppose I was feeling nostalgic so I went deep into my Kindle Archives and read a few of my faves. I also read a new book called World War Z by Max Brooks. I didn’t feel like writing a review on it since it was more or less a collection of short stories all about the same incidence from different points of view. It was entertaining, but I prefer one, fluid story where I can get attached to the characters. I was more motivated to read this just because there’s a movie soon to be released with the same title, and it happens to star the always wonderful, Brad Pitt. Unfortunately it’s going to be completely different from the book, besides the whole Zombie Apocalypse thing.

Anyway! I just downloaded a variety of samples on my Kindle and I’m debating on which to read first. I’ve got a few classics, such as 1984 and Animal Farm, both by George Orwell, and East of Eden by John Steinbeck. Then I’ve got a few newer novels such as The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, and No One Belongs Here More Than You by Miranda July. So many options! I’m sure I’ll read them all eventually, but I don’t know which to read first! I guess I’ll keep you all update on what I decide! 🙂

Oh and on a more personal note…I got into Marquette University for Graduate School!!! YAY! I also got an Interview for the University of IL at Chicago (which is where I currently attend). So depending on how that goes it looks like I’ll have a decision to make! I guess that’s it for now. As Always…Thanks for reading! I hope everyone is having a good hump day (that always sounds dirty to me, oh well).

Until next time, Kate

The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson



The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson,  288 pages, Published March 9th 2010 by Dial

Seventeen-year-old Lennie Walker, bookworm and band geek, plays second clarinet and spends her time tucked safely and happily in the shadow of her fiery older sister, Bailey. But when Bailey dies abruptly, Lennie is catapulted to center stage of her own life – and, despite her nonexistent history with boys, suddenly finds herself struggling to balance two. Toby was Bailey’s boyfriend; his grief mirrors Lennie’s own. Joe is the new boy in town, a transplant from Paris whose nearly magical grin is matched only by his musical talent. For Lennie, they’re the sun and the moon; one boy takes her out of her sorrow, the other comforts her in it. But just like their celestial counterparts, they can’t collide without the whole wide world exploding.

Hello bloggers!
So I finished this novel a few days ago and I am completely in love. I already recommended it to a few of my friends and I can’t wait for them to experience it. The Sky is Everywhere introduces us to Lennie one month after the death of her sister. Memories of Bailey surround Lennie every moment of every day. Bailey’s death is the only part of Lennie’s life she can think about, or cares about anymore. She is struggling to understand why she died, while wondering how she is going to live without her. She is also trying to deal with something she has never experienced before, her desire to love and be loved. Through their grief, she connects with Toby, her sister’s boyfriend. She also begins to develop a relationship with Joe, the new kid in town, who seems determined to help Lennie move on with her life. Both help Lennie is ways she cannot help herself, each attached to her for different reasons. Lennie is raw, honest, and relatable. Her array of emotions are portrayed through her poetry, which she never shares, but rather leaves hidden in the place she wrote it. May that be under a rock, the wall in the library, or simply left for the wind to take, it’s as if with the poems, she is leaving those feelings and memories behind too. All the characters in this book are very likable, and it’s easy to live the emotions as Lennie is feeling them. This novel is a beautiful account of how a girl copes with grief. Her conflicting emotions are real, and it shows how everyone has their own way of making it through a tragedy.
After reading this book I could not stop thinking about it. My emotions were all over the place. This novel left me with the hope that no matter how bad things can be, eventually you will find the light in the dark. I would give The Sky is Everywhere 4/4 Korners. I highly recommend it to women in their late teens to early 20’s.
So that’s all for now! As always, thanks for reading! 🙂
Until Next Time, Kate